Category: General

Be the brand: Why I started putting my real name on my website and indie games

If you’ve been on this website’s homepage, or the About page, or looked at the footer, you might have seen the name Harry Elwell in a few places. That’s me, I’m Harry, and that is my name. There’s a very specific reason why I decided to include it all over this website and in my […]

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What’s in a name? An ode to the names and logos that preceded Procrasteroid

I’m an overthinker and a perfectionist. There, I said it. The truth is, I care a lot about appearances and how my work comes across. After all, every project I put out is an extension of my personal brand. I can’t have sloppy work sullying my good name, right? Here’s the problem with that mentality […]

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Lights Out: The handheld game that inspired Tessell8

Reader notice: This article was originally published on my old website and under my previous branding, Wild Goat Games, around the time of Tessell8’s launch. I’m republishing it here for anyone that’s interested in learning about the inspiration behind Tessell8. Enjoy!   Join us as we take a trip down memory lane, to the popular […]

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Hello world! A little bit about me, my background, and my ambitions for this platform

Somewhere in Europe, circa 1999 There I am. Roughly 8 years old, sat in the back of my parents’ Renault Espace and thoroughly engrossed in my Gameboy, totally ignorant of the luscious European countryside just outside my window. I can think of no better image to illustrate my lifelong passion for games. Hello, by the […]

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